What is a better treat than a Beauty well mixed with Brains!
Being well dressed has become everyone’s cup of tea, but, how many of us understand the decorum of dressing up according to the Role, Goal, Occasion and the Venueand still giving it a touch of our own personality and style?
The outer appearance and presentation of anyone is as important as the inner health. It is the depiction of the mental state of mind. The way one looks, dresses and presents their personality have a direct impact on their daily dealings.
For e.g. –An untidily dressed professional may have a huge risk of losing the client due to the clothing. S/he may seem unequipped to handle the work.
Even though many will say that how you look doesn’t matter, but, your personal presentation plays an important role in your life. It also decides whether the people you’re engaging with take you seriously or not. Also, it helps you stand out well and make a statement among your peers.
Remember – Dressing up right is an art and getting it on point a task!
How can TICS help you in your aesthetic transformation?
We, at TICS have developed special solutions to help you. If you are looking for a transformation, we have following solutions for your physical makeover, which eventually, will help you build a perfect image outside –
- Clothing Matters: The Power of Right Clothing
- The Art & Science of Everyday Dressing
- Body Talk: Body Language
- Professional and Personal Grooming
- Shape Evaluation Clinic: Face Shape and Body Shape Evaluation
- Color Evaluation Clinic
- Art of Clothes Clustering

In the end, it’s YOU, who can transform your image and help you build your unique quotient. Hence, it’s crucial to respect yourself and practice image management in daily life until it becomes your lifestyle. And remember – Your X-Factor is as important as YOU!